Most fasts, detox diets, or cleanses are short term. In reality, it is better to focus on enhancing our health in the long-term than to jump on a quick cleanse or detox trend.

The benefits of detox diets and cleanses are probably not a result of consuming grapefruit juice or that special herbal tea; they are most likely a result of what you are not consuming. A cleanse can be effective because it eliminates many foods from our diet that are harmful in the short-term. However, while we have a general idea of what is healthy and unhealthy, many of us don’t know what is desirable, optimal, or ideal for our body, especially in a world of seductive marketing often at odds with solid science. While far from perfect, a limited calorie diet with healthy fruits and vegetables, in liquid or solid form, may be an effective strategy to remove what is not healthy. 

For example our special best selling product 14 Day Skinny Mint Teatox has everything that requires for a healthy living. It consists of 2 products overall. First is morning boost which is often taken in the morning and second is night cleanse which is taken before going to bed. Natural ingredients with many benefits help one to reach their weight goal fast. It boosts energy and promotes healthy weight loss by accelerating the metabolism by 2 cups of tea in a day.

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